Have you ever put something down, looked away and then, turn around only to see that the object is in a different spot? Maybe have your television turn on and off without anyone in your room. We have all had some sort of paranormal experience and there is no official cause for these strange phenomena but many theories which leads me to the oddity of this post: Ghosts. What exactly are ghosts? Well, ghosts are supposedly apparitions of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living. A famous ghost species is "The Vanishing Hitchhiker" This type of ghost will on the side of the road but beware, if you decide to pick up the hiker, once they are in your car, it could be fatal. Usually, the passenger will disappear but other times there have been reported cases of the cars crashing. Are these illusions due to tired, drowsy drivers? Or, is it the deceased, wanting to cause innocent victims the suffering that they had gone through? Take a drive and find out, as remember to never stop. Unless you want to invite the dead into your car.