Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Odd Furball

Rabbit. That one word could mean a few things, The Easter Bunny, cute pet, wild animal or, hundreds of those little fur-balls hopping around "Usaga Jimi", a Japanese island only a few minutes from the far coast of Japan. There are approximately 800 rabbits on this island, and how they got ther is the big question. There are many theories on how they got there, but each story depends on who you ask. I will tell you the top two most popular after some breeding on the islands dark, dark history. Between the years of 1929 and 1945, the Japanese army secretly created well over 6000 tons of poisonous gas  during WWII. Sadly, the rabbits were brought to use and experiment on with the noxious gas.  So, if you ever wanted to travel the odd world, check out Usaga Jiimi, and oddest wonder of all islands. 

Photo link: http://timenewsfeed.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/rabbit-island-photos-02.jpg?w=753